Copper Etching with Damon Kowarsky

Copper Etching with Damon Kowarsky

Buda Historic Home and Garden presents
Sat 1 Apr 10:00 AM
Selling Fast

Buda Garden Room
General Admission
Weekend workshop to learn the basics of intaglio printmaking [etching] on copper. Etching on copper is one of the oldest forms of printmaking. Invented in Germany in the 15th century, it has since been used by masters including Dürer, Rembrandt, Goya, Picasso, Hockney, and many others. It is very close to drawing, and is a rewarding way to create multiple images in a medium with a rich history and dynamic contemporary practice. Over the two day workshop participants will learn the basics of copper etching. This includes etching with ferric chloride and printing on cotton paper with high quality ink. Participants will draw in the wonderful gardens at Buda, and make their etching directly from their drawings.

Sat 1 April: Buda Garden Room
Sun 2 April: Equinox Press Meet at Buda Garden Room

Workshop suitable for 16+ 

Buda Garden Room

42 Hunter St Castlemaine, Victoria, 3450